Thursday, February 23, 2012

ADAPTATIONS: Exploding Ants!

Below is a video about how animals adapt to survive.

What is an example of people or other animals adapting that you have seen in your lifetime?

Right now my dog, Max, is going through an adaptation that a lot of other dogs go through as well.  Max is shedding his fur like crazy.  There is dog hair everywhere! Max sheds his winter coat to get ready for the warmer weather in spring and summer.  The spring coat is also much lighter fur compared to his winter coat.  This adaptation allows Max to be more comfortable in the hot months of June, July, etc.  I am glad this adaption only happens twice a year, otherwise I might become a giant fur ball!


  1. an example of people or other animals adapting that you have seen in your lifetime is when my baby causen was trying to adapt to us by talking walking runing. also fake like reading
    ~ Alana young

    1. An example of my turtle Shadow adapting is that he can hide in his shell and he can blend in with his surounding when he feel danger.


  2. Andrei Istrate T.

    My dog she is sheding his hair too because winter is here and when winter is over she dosent shed his hair any more. He is sheding hair every were! My grandma said that she now has short hair and that she dosen't have alot of hair NOW my grandma dosen't feel like a HAIR BALL!I am happy that it is over.

  3. To begin with, I seen an ant hole in the Westside of Chicago at my grandma's house. The hole was very deep. My auncle live downstairs, and he like to feed the birds bread. But was the birds actually eating the bread? So now my auncle know who was eating the bread. He bought some bug spray and sprayed the hole, there still in there but they're scared now.

    In conclusion, this is my example of people or other animals adapting that i have seen in my lifetime.

    -Christian Davis 3-

  4. An adaptation I seen was at Wisconsin. I saw a cricket trying to protect him self and his family.Because the predator which was the bird was trying to eat the cricket and his family.So they blended in with the green grass and the predator never found them. So that was the coolest adaptation I have ever seen in my life. from,cameron smith

  5. i saw a dog leaping down the street barking . i gave it some food the dog was beat because his leg was not walking good. my cuzin baby cuzin is laila baby brother he was adapting by trying to show us how to walk he was running in talkin that was so funny he said leelee .

  6. The time I saw a skunk adapt to survive is when I was at the park and a dog was going to try and attack a skunk. Then the skunk was looking at the dog like it was crazy and when the dog ran to attack it the skunk sprayed its acid right in its face.

    ~Christal Brown~
