Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How does an artist use music to inspire others?

Our question of the week is, "How does an artist use music to inspire others?" 

Below I have used the song, "We are the World" as an example for how many artists gathered together to inspire others.  This song inspires me, personally, to be a better person.  The message I take away from the song is to always remember to be the best version of myself that I can be.  I can "make a better day" for the students I teach.  I can "lend a helping hand" to others who need help in any way. If we all remember to live  this way, the world would really be a "better place".

Your assignment is to find a song where the artist(s) have inspired you, personally. On a loose leaf sheet of paper, write an explanation about why this song is inspirational.  Quote lyrics from the song in your paragraph as well.  The paragraph should be a minimum of 10 sentences.  Don't forget proper grammar and complete sentences.