Monday, January 23, 2012

Special Effetcs: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

This week we are talking about how artists create special effects to entertain us. One example where artists use special effects to entertain me (and a lot of other people) was in Harry Potter. There are tons of special effects used in all of the Harry Potter movies that make wizards, goblins, Hogwarts, and dueling wands all seem SO real. I really love all of the movies. Some of the "bad" characters are made to seem so gruesome and that is because of the special effects. When I saw the last movie in 3D, I really thought I was there with all of the characters. Hogwarts came to life!

Question: What is an example for you, personally, where an artist used special effects to entertain you?


  1. The time I saw a special effects movie is when I went to go and see the movie "AVATAR" and it was in 3-D and it was awsome, it was the best movie I have ever seen.Plus,have you ever seen a different type of movie in 3-D like the underworld?

    love,christal brown

  2. When I saw the movie, "The Sandlot" it used special effects to make the beast look big. Also, they used special effects when Babe Ruth was in Kenny's room and walked out the closet.

  3. WOW! Saniya I liked that movie and the way how they used the speacial effects.

    love,christal brown

  4. A movie that uses special effects is "Twillight". They used proably fake blood when they bite.Also they use effects to make them run really fast! In the movie "Twillight" They use special contacs because of their red eyes. So thats my special effect respnse


  5. A movie that uses special effects is "Star wars". What they use is spaceship so the can fight. They also use lazer sabers to fight and sometime use fake blood. They also use a person in a mask to fake out a monster. They use fake gons so that people wont get killed.

    From Andrei Istrate
