Friday, March 2, 2012

"Number the Stars" Book Report

Number the Stars Book Report
Divide a poster board into 4 parts. Each part should include a colored illustration as well. 
  • 1.        Create an alternative book cover to the novel.  Make sure to include the author and the illustrator (you!).
  • 2.       Compare and Contrast- Use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast two ideas from the story.  You may use characters, places, etc.
  • 3.       Historical Fiction- Use a T-chart to compare what was fiction and what was historically a fact from the novel.
  • 4.       Theme- There are several themes from “Number the Stars”. Choose one theme (friendship, trust, bravery, etc.) the author wanted the reader to further understand.  Write a one page explanation about the theme of your choice.  
You will be graded based on the rubric below.  Make sure to hand in your rubric!
Due: ______________

Points Earned
Points Possible
Rubric turned in

Alternative book cover
·       Neat, author, illustrated, neat, colored

Venn diagram
·       Uses a minimum of 15 ideas, includes picture

·       Accurate and well thought out response, includes picture, uses 15 concepts minimum

·       Accurate and well thought out response, proper grammar, complete sentences, picture included

Name included on poster board, title for the poster, turned in on time, etc.



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